These big, spectacular birds are an increasingly common sight the rest of the year, too, as flocks stride around woods and clearings like miniature dinosaurs. You'll see more success if you do. And contrary to popular belief that these hefty birds live exclusively on the ground, in fact they sleep sitting on the tops of trees, where they are safe from such predators as … Connie Smith. ... A fox with a baby ran right past me into the woods and a mother turkey came flying out of the field and landed up high in the trees. I am curious about sleeping habits and predators. An owl will hunt a chicken by perching next to it on the end of the branch nearest the trunk. Kevin Coyle | November 20, 2011 ... Wild turkeys sleep in trees. The National Wild Turkey Federation ... Winter Habitat for Northern-Range Turkeys. Instead, they sleep in places called roosts, which generally are trees. Most North American kids learn turkey identification early, by tracing outlines of their hands to make Thanksgiving cards. 11. 1. 2. They do this because they are easy prey on the ground at night--they're virtually blind because their eyes don't have enough rods for good night vision. Where do wild turkeys sleep? Delaying mowing for a couple of weeks will help deer fawns, wild turkeys and small game. Turkeys sleep in trees. Thank you. more. With the keen ability to adapt, turkeys are being found in areas previously thought to be too harsh. Wild turkey hens begin to nest before most of the new growth begins in the spring. Updated on January 22, 2014. Therefore, at least for initial nests, hens need some residual cover from the previous year to conceal their nest from predators. But this is a crucial time of year for New Hampshire’s 40,000 turkeys.After mating in April and incubating eggs in May, turkeys are now hatching chicks and rearing broods of young poults in June. In Vermont there are an estimated 40,000 to 60,000 birds, while in New Hampshire the figure is about 40,000. The birds fly to them around dusk and spend the evening in them before flying down to the ground in the morning to eat. 2. If you find that the wild turkeys in your yard are too much trouble, we recommend putting automatic sprinklers in … Wild turkeys have better vision than you do. ~~Turkey feed comes in mash, crumbles, and pellets. ~~Turkey hens do not need turkey toms to lay eggs – they will produce eggs without a mate, but they won’t be fertile and cannot hatch. Twelve Unusual and Fascinating Facts About Wild Turkeys. ... Life and Times of a Turkey Nest. When Benjamin Franklin suggested the wild turkey as our national bird, he obviously noticed its fascinating characteristics and appeal. I don't know anything about keeping wild turkeys if in fact that is what you have but I would assume that you could raise it just like any other turkey. 3. The turkeys will reward you with their playful antics, their friendliness, and their beauty. Does jimmy capps have children. ... Wild turkeys do not weigh more than domestic turkeys on average. Although the turkey lost by just one vote to the bald eagle, its keen senses make it one of America's favorite game birds.