These random fun facts will blow your mind. Milk. A cow is pregnant for nine months, just like people. The Jersey is named for its place of origin, Britain's Isle of Jersey in the English Channel. Jersey Breed Facts. Hindu nations believe that cows are holy and should be esteemed — not eaten. Our cows are famous for their rich and creamy milk, so don’t miss the chance to try some real Jersey ice-cream while you’re on the island. 7 gallons is about 60 lbs of milk per day, close to todays average of 70 lbs… 19 gallons is 163 lbs. and Holsteins are about 1,200 lbs. Explore Jersey on foot or by car and you’ll see our Jersey cows in fields across the island. A cow has 32 teeth. A Jersey cow usually produces about 5,000kg of milk per year. This adds up to about 200,000 glasses of milk in one cow’s lifetime. Cows produce more milk while listening to music. On average, A Jersey cow can produce around 140 servings of milk in one day. Breed Facts. Jersey Cattle Facts. A seventh, Red and White, is a variation of the Holstein breed. Everyone knows that cows give us milk which makes all our favorite foods, like cheese, yogurt, ice cream etc. Of all major dairy breeds, the Jersey's milk boasts the richest content. One of the most popular breeds is the Holstein-Friesian dairy cow, known by its colours – black and white. 1. They are curious by nature. Some reports say that they were developed from Froment du Léon cattle and Normandy cattle. 3- They are the cutest babies. Jersey cows are great milk producers, making them a popular option for farms all over the country. You can lead a cow up a stairwell but not down a stairwell. But did you know the Jersey cow is the second most popular cattle breed in the world? Origins. 7. 500 births, 5 million flowers, gin and the sunniest climate. In most cases, dairy cows are part of the species Bos Taurus. An average Holstein dairy cow weighs about 1,500 pounds. Check out interesting fun facts about history, pop culture, animals, food, science and the world that will amaze adults and kids alike. Jerseys vary from dark brown or fawn, and sometimes are splashed with white. 9. They're closely related to the Jersey cow, and their milk contains more calcium than that of other breeds! The Guernsey, as its name implies, was bred on the British Channel Island of Guernsey. but did you know some of these fun facts about cows… They are curious by nature. 10 Facts about the Nature of Jersey Cows. At birth, a Jersey calf weighs about 60 pounds. A cow will chew about 50 times in a minute, making their jaws move about 40,000 times a day. 10. When something new is happening on the dairy, the cows are sure to gather around and check it out. When something new is happening on the dairy, the cows are sure to gather around and check it out. 10 little known facts about Jersey. Here is a list with most common and also most rare types of dairy cows: Ayrshire cattle; Today, a person can milk 100 cows in an hour with modern machines. Cows have four chamber stomachs. It’s official – Jersey is the sunniest place in the British Isles! Appearance. Guernsey has one of the world's largest tidal ranges. Check out our range of fun cow facts for kids. But did you know the Jersey cow is the second most popular cattle breed in the world? It’s official – Jersey is the sunniest place in the British Isles! It used to take a person 1 hour to milk 6 cows by hand. You can decide which (if any) you want to remember for your next cocktail party or game of trivia! Performance trends are a very useful tool for breed societies, individual breeders, educational establishments, students and for anyone involved in breed promotion or simply wanting to compare and benchmark their own herd and animal performances against their contemporaries. The pure bred Jersey cow originated from the island and Jersey cows can now be found as far afield as India, South America, USA, Australia and New Zealand. Cows produce more milk while listening to music. Cows can sleep standing up. Fun Facts About Cows A male is called a bull. As an official breed, they’re thought to have originated back in the 1700s. Now for the fun facts! Jersey also has one of the largest spring tides on Earth – at a massive 40ft! A mature Holstein cow weighs 1,300-1,500 lbs. A mature Jersey cow weighs 900-1,000 lbs. Jersey Cows produce 200,000 glasses of milk on average (during their lifetime). However, there are some high-standard exceptions that can produce around 9,000kg! Ayrshires are a basically healthy breed, with strong feet and legs . Jersey cows have been coveted owing to their prolific milk production. With over 800 breeds of cattle, Jersey cows are the second largest breed! Tidal … Jerseys are about 1,000 lbs. On average, a Jersey cow drinks 130 litres of water in one day.