So long as the cat is within your view radius it will work. If the cat is in a minecart. If the cat has been attached to a fence post with a lead. However in newer versions of the game, there is a new type of mob called a cat that is independent of the ocelot. In Minecraft, a player can get a pet by taming passive, neutral, or aggressive mobs. The first argument is the disguise name, the following is the disguise data. You could wander around using an entitydata command keyed to the cat's name ("/entitydata @e[name=Button] {}", which will list the cat's current stats if it finds them because I didn't put any changes in the curly brackets at the end). Ocelots are jungle biome creatures. Most commonly, a name tag can be found inside a chest in a dungeon or Nether Fortress. They spawn and live exclusively in the Forest and Taiga (any type of Taiga) biome. How to Summon any Cat in Minecraft Now to do most of these commands you are going to need a command block. Instead, you need to find and gather this item in the game. In Legacy Console Edition, if the music disc "Cat" is played, then after it is finished playing "Cat", it will play "Dog", which is a remix of Cat by C418 and is part of the Minecraft - Volume Alpha soundtrack album. If the cat is in an unloaded chunk. How to Get a Minecraft Pet. How to Breed Cats in Minecraft. Prior to Java Edition 1.14, and Bedrock Edition 1.8, feeding an ocelot raw fish would tame it and turn it into a cat. ... To name your pet cat, you need to craft a "medallion," (a collar really). These cats can be found in villages. If none of the blocks on the edge of a 5×5×1 region centered on the player are transparent blocks with an opaque block below and another transparent block above. This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a name tag with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Let's explore how to do this. Hope Alexander. ... A Minecraft cat eating pet food from its cat bed. Medallions are created with a gold ingot and two pieces of leather. An unused cat texture in Bedrock Edition. Put a nametag in an anvil, and rename the nametag. You can summon a black cat whenever you want using a cheat (game command) in Minecraft. If the cat is attempting to sit on a chest, bed, or furnace. An unused cat texture in Bedrock Edition. By Jesse Stay, Thomas Stay, Jacob Cordeiro . Medallions are created with a gold ingot and two pieces of leather. Unless you want to switch to Creative mode, you will need to find two wolves to tame in order to grow your pack … Then right click your dog (or other animal) to name it. In the recent Minecraft 1.14 update, Mojang added a bunch of new critters into the game including Pandas, Foxes, and those of a feline variety. Players can tame wild ocelots by walking carefully up to them and offering raw fish (obtained by fishing) when the ocelot begs for food. But to get a command block all you need to do is give p minecraft command block 1 Just copy and paste that into chat and hit enter. How to Get a Minecraft Pet. To stop a cat from sitting in Minecraft, simply press the use option again. The skin name will be parsed and parsed into skin data if possible. This Minecraft tutorial explains how to summon a black cat (just like you would find in a Witch's Hut) with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. First, you will need to find a wolf in the wild. "Minecraft" Pet Cats: How to Tame and Feed Them. Minecraft Name Generator: a good username or nickname should be relevant to what you want to behave. Place them on your cat and you'll be able to name that cat. This Minecraft tutorial explains how to breed cats with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. All versions of Minecraft (PC, PE, and Console) have wolves. Turning an ocelot into a tame kitty cat is easy.