I'm not sure about seals but you can often see sealions lazing around on the walkways around the marina in Marina del Rey. California, at Moss Landing, between San Francisco and Monterey California, better known as the place to see Sea Otters, but if you take the Marine Safari, you are likely to see Harbor Seals. It’s home to nearly 100 adult seals that give birth to their pups along the shoreline. At one time, two other species were found here in abundance--Steller or northern sea lions and Guadalupe fur seals. Stay tuned. The breeding colony at Año Nuevo State Park north of Santa Cruz is just a short hike away from a parking area. Whether you’re shooting for a family beach trip or peaceful lunch break, you’ll get the most out of the experience if you know a few things going in. California sea lions and northern elephant seals are seen on Sonoma's Pacific Coast, but Jenner's rookery attracts mostly Pacific harbor seals. Just south of Santa Barbara in Carpinteria, the Carpenteria Harbor Seal Preserve and Rookery makes for a great stop. It is a cooperating association with California State Parks. The Children's Pool Beach attracts harbor seals and California sea lions. How to tell them apart. The climate and rocky shores along Monterey County's coastline are ideal for these critters and the bountiful kelp forests are full of all of their favorite snacks. Come see these magnificent marine mammals up close on one of the prettiest coastlines in California. Friends of the Elephant Seal is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating people about elephant seals and other marine life and teaching stewardship for the ocean off the central coast of California. Taking a walk from there, visitors get an extraordinary opportunity to see them up close. The elephant seal is one of four species of pinniped (or "wing or feather-footed") marine mammals that are commonly sighted at San Miguel Island. During the pupping season, from December through May, the rookery is closed, but you can still see the seals from the cliffs above. I understand that humans are not allowed to touch them as they are a protected species but the boat owners dislike sealions excreting all over their boats, so they often put lots of spikes on exposed areas to dissaude the sealions for getting on board to sunbathe. A trip to see the La Jolla Cove seals and sea lions in San Diego is a fantastic way to get out and about and see nature! Here are some tips to help you tell them apart. The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary is one of the best places in the world to see seals, sea lions and sea otters. So today I'm going to share with you our tips on the best places and ways to view them while you are in San Diego, including tips for the San Diego SEAL Tour. The area has been a site of contention: it's one of the best places to see seals in the country, but thanks to a lawsuit of a former resident, San Diego is spending $700,000 a year to try to remove the seals. It is in the "Children's Pool," which is part of the reason the seals may be relocated soon...They kind of took over a small cove that was originally built for kids in the 90's. Elephant Seals are seen year-round at the Piedras Blancas Rookery. Volunteer naturalists lead tours, explain the goings-on, and keep the elephant seals … If there is one furry animal that Monterey Bay is most known for it is the sea otter. Top 5 Places to Spot Sea Otters. You can see them close to shore almost any time of year! Other species include California sea lions, northern fur seals, and harbor seals. Four species are commonly seen within the sanctuary. Each spring a large sand spit builds up in Jenner, right at the mouth of the Russian River. We recently visited San Diego, California for the first time and one our favorite things to do was watch the seals and sea lions. Quick before they are sent back to wherever, but for what it is worth La Jolla California, by San Diego, has a wonderful area set up to view the wild sea lions and seals. Best times of year to see these amazing animals in action are October through May with the big show (birthing and breeding) in January and February. Viewing Guidelines