Go. MERGE CANCEL. Learn why they're larger than any land animal and why they were hunted for years. Blue whale populations have declined dramatically due to commercial whaling.Blue whales are not easy to catch or kill. Whalers would hunt and kill many of the large whales and various industries would use the whale various body parts to make a variety of goods such as transmission oil, candle wax, cooking margarine, jewelry which … These whales (and many other large whales) were over-hunted for many years, since their meat, oil, and other body parts are very valuable. Over the centuries whales have been killed for a number of different reasons.. But, by 1970 330,000 blue whales had been caught & killed in … already exists. Blue whales are so gentle creatures. Would you like to merge this question into it? Blue whales are an endangered species. The blue whale is not only one of the most well-known species of whale, it’s also the largest known whale in existence growing to lengths of over 100 ft and weighing more than 150 tons; although 60 – 80 ft. is more common. Some types also had a lighter oil in the head cavity which was used as a lubricant for fine machinery, such as watches and clocks and again as lamp oil. Although the practice of whaling has largely been halted today, some countries still participate in hunting whales for their meat.. Early man hunted whales because their meat and blubber were able to fulfill his basic survival needs. Whales of a few kinds had fat which could be cooked down into a fuel oil for lighting. Why were* blue whales hunted? Blue whales are the largest animals to have ever existed. Their speed and power meant that they were rarely pursued by early whalers, who instead targeted sperm and right whales. Answers.com ® Categories Animal Life Mammals Aquatic Mammals Whales Blue Whales Why was blue whales hunted? About the Blue Whale Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth. Blue whale hunting was banned in 1966 by the International Whaling Commission. It is estimated that there are about 10,000-14,000 blue whales world-wide. They were hunted for some reason as other whales. Learn why they're larger than any land animal and why they were hunted for years. In the past (pre whaling era) blue whales were extremely abundant (150,000 – 200,000 before whaling … For Whale Oil. Idk you tell me Asked in Endangered, Vulnerable, and Threatened Species, Whales Why are whales being hunter? science math history literature technology health law business All Sections. Blue Whale Are Endangered And Here's Why. The practice of hunting whales has existed for more than 5,000 years. Why was blue whales hunted? SAVE CANCEL. Whale hunting is the practice of hunting whales for their meat, oil and various body parts. For their meat and the whale oil they produce. Articles Jun 24, 2019 07:14 Over the years, human has invade wild marine life with their bad habit of fishing, hunting for their own benefits. Why were* blue whales hunted?Idk you tell me. For thousands of years, the climate was too cold for many people, including the Eskimos and the indigenous people living in Greenland, to grow their own vegetables.