Two children were infected last year and one died. Slugs eat a diverse range of plants, including the leaves of vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants in your yard. Their trails usually appear overnight across floors, cabinets and carpets – even up the walls. Slugs are not picky eaters. They have a preference for young, tender plants and will eat both the stems and leaves, destroying the plant. How Serious Are Snails and Slugs? That being said, slugs and snails do love them. Plus, I can hardly figure out their face. When my girls were little they loved dining on slugs. Quite creepy, eh! Q. And just ask a child who has stepped on one oozing its way across the kitchen floor – that slime sticks like glue! Thanks so much ! I called the pest control people at the council who advised me to lay cracked eggshells outside the air-bricks, but still the problem persists. Then, remove any uneaten food at … Slugs in the house can drive you absolutely crazy. Slugs have a great sense of smell so will make a beeline for it … They contract this parasite by eating the feces of infected rodents. Many people try to get rid of slugs in their garden. They lived close to each other in separate streets of the same suburb. A large number of slugs can make short work of a newly planted garden. Those slug families love living in our yard, tasty perennials are abundant and offer up a wide variety of new dining choices everywhere they slither. Never had slugs in the house yet but they do get onto the Patio where I sometimes walk on them accidentally, Enjoyed this lens. Snails and slugs can really be annoying when they infest your home. Well done. Yes, I had to slugs in my house last night. However, if you don’t live in Northern California, and probably even if you do, chances are that you don’t to learn how to live with (or eat) your slugs and snails. (08/29/2008) By Kathy M. Slug Are Taking Over Cape Cod can be a windy damp place perfect for harboring families of slugs. I think it has something to do with the sliminess. 6 Ways to Get Rid of Slugs in the House That You Never Knew Existed. But for humanity's sake, I won't really crush them to death if I saw them. Slugs (and snails) are host to a potentially dangerous parasite called the rat lungworm. Now I don't eat lettuce at all. Slugs somehow get inside the house - mainly at night - and I come down to their horrible slimy trails all over the floor every morning. We put salt down where they where coming in at. What do slugs eat? To care for slugs, line an 8-inch by 8-inch container with some soil, grass and leaves to provide a comfortable habitat.