If it looks kind of normal except a bit more watery, my bird usually can sleep that off, and return normal again. This article will show you why they are so awesome! Molting is a stressful time for budgies, so make sure he's eating a well-balanced diet with fruits, veggies, and calcium. Budgie Behaviour in Pairs. Also, budgies tend to sleep more during a molt. Why does my budgie hang upside down? Okay, I have 4 cockatiels at home. Why do birds do this ? They'll do most of this at night, but budgies also tend to take naps during the day. When you put your budgies to sleep, consider covering the cage with a blanket (not too thick - you don't want to inhibit air circulation). I just think like your stomach ache days, budgies have theirs too. Budgies, some people call them parakeets, are incredibly popular. She could have one of many illnesses. Why do birds sleep all the time ? It sounds like they are eating well so I doubt it is their diet. Budgies usually enjoy each other’s company, and a pair (whatever the gender of the birds involved) will generally be a self-contained miniature flock, enjoying all the grooming, chattering and socialising natural to their species in the wild. If you're sleeping too much, you won't just feel tired in the morning. They will often stretch and yawn before falling asleep, or after waking up. Parrots are instinctively terrified of being left behind by their flock, so if they are sick they will "buck up" and try to look normal until it's too late to do anything for them. How much sleep do budgies need? Because these birds are preyed upon in the wild, many budgies will roost in high locations that are hidden. The best you can do is try and find a parrot sanctuary that will take your bird in and treat it with some degree of understanding, because you are failing to do so. Budgies also take naps during the day when it is quiet. Budgies need a good 10-12 hours of sleep daily. He's just molting at a fast pace, which some budgies do. #pets #animals #birds #petbirds #birdcare #budgies … Budgies who do bathe should take a bath about once every week or two. Not at all. Some budgies will bathe on their own, using the water dish provided in their cage to splash water on themselves with their beak. If so, she is probably quite sick and needs to see a vet right away. See more ideas about Budgies, Budgie toys and Parakeet care. If your budgie is sleeping a lot, it is too cold for it. Some don’t bathe at all, and others like to often. Your budgie needs to be examined by a vet. I'm really sorry you lost Charlie. Bathing – All budgies have individual preferences when it comes to bathing. Feb 23, 2020 - Pictures of Rainbow Budgies. Budgies in particular are susceptible to fatty tumors through bad breeding over the years.