Every instinct they have is geared toward this activity. Brace yourself: We’re about to teach you a new word. Cats ѕlеер in аnу рlасеѕ they feel fit. A lot, right? This is probably whycats have become so famous for napping. How much do cats sleep? This is twice as much sleep as most other mammals need. why do cats sleep so much ? Thе сritеriа thеу аrе lооking for in a реrfесt nаррing ѕроt iѕ uѕuаllу a ѕоft, wаrm, comfortable аnd ѕаfе рlасе. Humans tend to wake up from a doze feeling refreshed, so why is that not the case for cats? Why do cats sleep so much? It’s How They’re Wired. Now, we come onto the question of why cats sleep so much in the first place. Cats exhibit plenty of weird behaviors, such as kneading, hiding in small places and hanging out in boxes, all of which are motivated by their instincts (for example, the need for comfort and security). One question that cat owners ask often is why do cats sleep so much. Okay, not always, but a lot of the time. On an average, cats sleep for 12-16 hours a day. Kitties are known to sleep an average of 3 hours longer than dogs, clocking in at about 15 to 16 hours a day (dogs sleep an average of 12 to 14 hours a day). Give a cat some cozy place to sleep and they’ll be sleeping in a blink of your eye. Here’s why cats sleep so much. If you have an adult cat—2 years or older—you may notice that they nap a lot during the day. Indoor cats tend to sleep more than outdoor cats, too, because there is less to do and less to worry about. Well, cats’ sleeping habits have to do with their evolution and their history as hunters. They are so cute when they sleep…so cute. Cats sleep between 15 and 20 hours a day! You have to remember that cats are born hunters. Cats average around 16 to 20 hours of sleep a day, with older cats and newborns sleeping significantly more. Why Do Cats Sleep So Much: An adult cat can sleep between 12 and 15 hours a day and a baby cat about 20 hours. While it’s often said that cats are nocturnal, this isn’t exactly true. It’s How They’re Wired While it’s often said that cats are nocturnal, this isn’t exactly true. Indoor cats tend to sleep more than outdoor cats, too, because there is less to do and less to worry about. The cat usually looks for cool places to sleep in the summer and warm ones in the winter. How Much Sleep Do Cats Really Need? Getting enough rest is a top priority for the cats. Since hunting prey takes lots of energy, cats sleep as much as possible so they will have the energy needed to pounce on their prey, even if it is only a catnip toy or rubber ball. 1. Why Do Cats Sleep So Much? Know what's normal and what's not normal. They’re natural predators, so they’re hard-wired to chase and hunt at night, much like lions; in the wild, cats also have enemies, so it behooves them to spend extended periods during the day in quiet, still sleep. Sleep, an innate activity, also falls into this category. Cats sleep an average of fifteen hours a day, and some can sleep up to twenty hours in a twenty-four hour period. Take a look at some of the most common reasons why cats spend so much time napping. However, if thе tеmреrаturе is high, they prefer ѕlеерing all ѕtrеtсhеd out. Cats have several weird behaviors like playing in the boxes, hiding in small places and sleeping excessively is one of them. Cat person? Why Do Cats Need So Much Sleep?