We have buffalo nickels, cities named Buffalo, the historical Buffalo Bill Cody, buffalo hunts, phrases like, "He had me buffaloed," and so on. Both bison and buffalo belong to the Bovidae family, which consists of more than 100 species of hoofed mammals called ungulates, including buffalo, bison… But bison still do. There are two kinds of Bison species (also known as Buffalo) that inhabit our planet, they are the American Bison (Bison bison) which include the species American plains bison (Bison bison bison) and the American wood bison (Bison bison athabascae), and the European Bison (Bison bonasus) which are also referred to as … CALGARY—To buffalo or to bison, that is the question. I think it must have something to do with Buffalo Bill and his wild west show even tho it was known as a buffalo before that. Isn’t it time you learned why? It’s a play on the fact that what we call “buffaloes” in North America are actually bison. Instead, it's about what we should call these majestic animals. Early settlers called them buffalo before they ever became officially named American Bison. Organized baseball in Buffalo had existed since at least 1859, when the Niagara baseball club of the National Association of Base Ball Players played its first season. Though the terms are often used interchangeably, buffalo and bison are distinct animals. This comparison examines the differences between buffaloes and bison in terms of physical characteristics, habitats, lifespan, and temperament. Even in lab experiments, buffalo-cattle embryos have failed to ever reach … Why Do We Call it a BUFFALO Nickel, and not a BISON Nickel? 1. UNANSWERED. As for how Buffalo, New York got its name, well, that probably is related to the American Bison, which as stated are often inaccurately called Buffalo. The iconic song of the American West, “Home on the Range,” got a key detail wrong — buffalo never roamed the region! Today I found out why buffalo wings are called that.. Unsurprisingly, neither the origin of the name nor the food item itself have anything to do with actual buffalo, nor American Bison which many people call buffalo even though they are not.Rather, this tasty item originated in Buffalo, New York, with most foodstorians indicating buffalo wings probably were first served in the Anchor Bar there. Interestingly, the debate has nothing to do with relocating the wild bison to Ted Turner's private Montana ranch, which is the tension at the heart of Hillary's story. "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct sentence in American English, often presented as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated linguistic constructs through lexical ambiguity.