They were 144 until they split up after God created Adam. Monica McIntyre, M.A., RMT Please do not reproduce without permission. The letters of these three verses can be arranged as 72 triplets of letters. The 72 Names are each 3-letter sequences that act like an index to specific, spiritual frequencies. Here is the angel list according to the Kabbalah. God’s Angels who rule this element act when relationships (love, friendships, family ties, etc.) These angels bear the 72 names of God Shemhamphorae. The 72 names of god are originated in three passages from the Book of Exodus chapter 14: Passage 19: Then the angel of God, who had been traveling in front of Israel's army, withdrew and went behind them. I can remove negative energies and their chaotic influence in my life and ignite the support and assistance of positive angels. The three consecutive verses from Exodus 14:19 -21 each contain 72 letters, an obviously rare phenomenon. Half of the 144 angels wanted to serve him and the other half didn’t. You can experiment yourself by choosing an Angel in the list of the 72 Angels on your right. The 72 angels of God. What does this mean? Who Is Angel Mahasiah? seraphim).Note that some overlap is to be expected with the list of theological demons entry, since … The 72 triplets become 72 "names" of G‑d. This is a list of angels in theology, including both specific angels (e.g. The 72 angels who said No are the falling angels. This Name translates as the 4th Name of the 72 Names of God. In 1975, the excavation of a medieval Spanish grotto yielded Kabalistic manuscripts from an 11th-15th century which revealed a way to connect and interact directly with the Divine. Feb 9, 2020 - the 72 angels names : these 72 Names are composed in the original Hebrew Kabbalah of three letters, to which either the power attribute -el or -iah is added, to create a five-lettered Name of God. The main duty of Angel Mahasiah is to help us to rectify our errors (just like Imamiah the angel of recognition of errors). A list of 72 angels of the 9 choir orders, with esoteric meaning related to the names of God Selaphiel: Christianity Archangel Patron saint of prayer and worship Seraph (type) Seraphim Christianity, Islam, Judaism (type) Seraphiel: Christianity, Judaism seraph Protector of Metatron, highest ranking saraphim Shamnail Yazdânism: Archangel Shamsiel The 72 Names of God . The names of angels of God and their duties also have meanings behind them and the meaning of the name of angel Michael is quite vivid which means ‘who is like the Lord'. In fact, the 72 angels are also known as the 72 names of God. Enjoy this video and share it … The 72 Angels have their origin and root in the Kabbalistic system. According to The Magnus II, Mahasiah is an important angel in the Jewish mysticism.Being one of the 72 angels. If one is new to the study of the occult, the significance behind the Hebrew language may not be immediately known. The 72 Angels of God were primarily evolved from the Shemhamphorasch, Shem HaMephorash (the explicit Name of God), an early Kabbalah, term which was used to designate a 72 letter name for God. name, or on the names of the angels for each 5 degrees, the angels of personal emantations, we align ourselves with a determined energy, and we are able to open the door of self, facilitating this energy to freely flow into our lives.