Turn-On unknown. Millar had intended the "you turn if you want to" line, which preceded it, to be the most popular, and it received an ovation itself, but it was "the lady's not for turning" that received the headlines. Define turn around. from their sixth studio album Green. turn up phrase. At the time, Thatcher was already being referred to as the "Iron Lady". turn on someone — phrasal verb with turn verb. when you're with your lover..it makes you want more. 366 315. You will get your opportunity in turn, but right now it's Rita's time. 50+ videos Play all Mix - Robert Palmer - I Didn't Mean To Turn You On (Official Video) YouTube Robert Palmer - Addicted To Love - Duration: 3:56. Definition of Turn Back Time in the Definitions.net dictionary. Turn definition is - to cause to move around an axis or a center : make rotate or revolve. turn on something. Meaning of Turn Back Time. What does Turn Back Time mean? turn of phrase. Like all tracks on the album, it was written by group members Michael Stipe, Peter Buck, Mike Mills, and Bill Berry. Turn out definition: If something turns out a particular way, it happens in that way or has the result or... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Log In Dictionary Definition of turn up in the Idioms Dictionary. How to use turn in a sentence. Meaning of turn on someone in English. ... Gil Puyat Avenue toward their destination or turn right to Ayala Avenue, right turn to Makati Avenue, and left turn to Sen. turn on someone definition: to attack or criticize someone suddenly: . Information and translations of Turn Back Time in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The song's main guitar riff is an inversion of that used in "Finest Worksong". Definitions by the largest Idiom ... increase some aspect of something, such as its volume or speed. Mariah Carey covered the song in 2001 for the soundtrack to the film, Glitter. turn off (sth) turn on sb. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Define turn around. us. Meaning of turn to someone in English. A turn on is something that makes you really excited or really horny. Word Forms +- ... General words meaning to give. ... turn of mind. turn in Definitions and Synonyms. turn around synonyms, turn around pronunciation, turn around translation, English dictionary definition of turn around. turn in on phrasal verb. ing , turns v. tr. someone would turn in their grave phrase. it turns out (that) It turned out that I … Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis also produced Mariah Carey's cover and she sang over the original instrumental. Learn more. turn to phrase. Definition of turn to in the Idioms Dictionary. Someone has to wash the dishes after every meal. b. turn on someone. Queen Latifah sampled Cherrelle's version on her song "Turn You On" from her 1998 album Order in the Court. This is the British English definition of turn to.View American English definition of turn to.. Change your default dictionary to American English. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "turn" and "up." ... You can always turn to me for help if you need it. turn around synonyms, turn around pronunciation, turn around translation, English dictionary definition of turn around. turn to someone definition: to get help from someone: . What does turn to expression mean? Learn about Shuwb original meaning in the Bible using the Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon - New American Standard. What does turn up expression mean? by akjnhfda July 22, 2006. Turn on definition: When you turn on a piece of equipment or a supply of something, you cause heat , sound,... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Log In Dictionary twist / turn the knife (in the wound) phrase. turn to someone — phrasal verb with turn verb. Learn more. "Turn You Inside-Out" is a song by American rock band R.E.M. us. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English turn out phrasal verb 1 HAPPEN to happen in a particular way, or to have a particular result, especially one that you did not expect turn out well/badly/fine etc It was a difficult time, but eventually things turned out all right. RobertPalmerVEVO 63,980,885 views Get a turn-on mug for your dog Jerry. give. 6. Turn-in definition is - something that turns in or is turned in. ... #turn on #turn off #turn-off #tun on #tun-on.