As for 5 year olds, they will find the tricycle fully comfortable and fitting, especially with the seat set further back. Depending on the species, young albatross will become independent at the age between 5 and 10 months. It’s just as versatile as the Radio Flyer tricycle, and a 2 year old can already very easily reach the pedals. They feed on anything that floats on the surface of the water; squid, fish, crustaceans and flying fish eggs. Chicks fledge at about 165 days old. Young albatrosses may fly within three to ten months, depending on the species, but then leave the land behind for some five to ten years until they themselves reach sexual maturity. Indeed albatross can fly for thousands of miles and this is possible at no mechanical cost, because they use a dynamic way of flight that takes the energy from wind (dynamic soaring) (ref-1). Unfortunately, this includes marine debris as well; with an estimated 5 tons of plastic that was mistaken for floating fish eggs or squid being fed to chicks each year. How they soar for such long times has intrigued observers, who have often speculated as to how an albatross can extract energy from the wind. Sadly, their numbers are declining because of long-line fishing boats. The growth of the young albatross is very slow, especially in the larger species; it attains flight plumage in 3 to 10 months, then spends the next 5 to 10 years at sea, passing through several preadult plumages before coming to land to mate. With precise GPS data and custom navigation software, researchers have finally figured out how. When hunting for food, they leave the chick on its own for several days. Albatross has very long lifespan. Albatrosses fly long distances over the Southern Ocean, even around the world, almost without flapping their wings (Croxall et al., 2005, Safina, 2002, Safina, 2007). This has reduced fly-strike. They cannot actually fly for that long, but they will not touch land until they need to breed. These Birds Fly Almost a Year Without Landing Data loggers show they almost never touch the ground on their migrations from Europe to Africa and back again. Laysan albatross are surface feeders and feed primarily at night. The wandering albatross spends weeks, even months, at sea without ever returning to land. An estimated 5 tons of plastic are fed to albatross chicks each year at Midway Atoll. Albatrosses were once hunted for their feathers, which were used to make hats. This tricycle is ideal for kids between the ages of 1-5. The black-footed albatross are particularly at risk because they tend to nest along the shoreline, with no protection from coastal vegetation. The nests, which are composed entirely of guano and the bodies of dead chicks, may be hundreds of years old The Amazing Albatrosses They fly 50 miles per hour.