However, seeing a dead dragonfly points at some bad news you may receive soon. Soak the dragonfly in acetone in a second wide-mouth jar for 8 to 12 hours or overnight. If you feel particularly confident, inject larger dragonflies with acetone before soaking. Insect collecting is a fragile art requiring patience, experience and gentle hands. I thought it was a blue jay feather, then realized as I looked closer it was a dead dragonfly. Do you know if I should be aware that something may be about to happen? Asked in Dragonflies There are several companies on the web that sell the supplies and instructions for doing so. I found a dead dragonfly today. Once a female dragonfly has mated, all she is interested in doing is laying eggs and getting on with her life. Later the same evening she returns home from work. Is liquid resin ok? Dragonflies can be mounted on pins and dried, the same as butterflies and moths. Red dragonfly symbolism and death are intimately entwined as the end of life’s illusions through transformation. But those dragonflies made me pause for a moment and think of all those sad and beautiful stories people have sent me over the years, the belief that so many people have about dragonflies and the afterlife. Female dragonflies use an extreme tactic to get rid of unwanted suitors: they drop out the sky and then pretend to be dead. A dead dragonfly is generally an omen for sad news. I was startled when the dragonfly moved one leg out into a more comfortable position and I realized it wasn’t dead—at least, not entirely. It is trying to tell you it is dead. The pulse in the abdomen was the most pronounced symptom, but also the return of colour to it’s skin and eyes. Carolina Biological Supply Company, in Burlington, NC is one. But those dragonflies made me pause for a moment and think of all those sad and beautiful stories people have sent me over the years, the belief that so many people have about dragonflies and the afterlife. I wonder if this could be a sign of something. A dead dragonfly is generally an omen for sad news. If it has a large body, you might want to soak it in alcohol for a day or so but it is not mandatory. Do you know if I should be aware that something may be about to happen? Rassim Khelifa from the University of … Dream Interpretations for Different Colored Dragonflies I wonder if this could be a sign of something. It was very pretty and at the same time i felt scared since i didn’t know what it meant. But what to do next? I thought it was a blue jay feather, then realized as I looked closer it was a dead dragonfly. After you remove the insect from the jar, mount it with insect pins. On the other hand, if a dragonfly lands on you, it is a sign for good news from someone far away. Dragonflies have a way of mysteriously appearing. While there are many folks who do not acknowledge red dragonfly spiritual meaning or significance beyond being merely an insect species, I beg to differ. Best Answer: It means a dead dragonfly lost the battle. Our dog stays in the garage while we are gone. Gently pierce your dead but not yet dry dragonfly with your insect pin (size 1,2 or 3, with 3 being the largest) perpendicularly through the back in the middle between the front set of wings as you view your dragonfly from the top. It was very pretty and at the same time i felt scared since i didn’t know what it meant. I still don’t believe in the idea of dragonflies representing the returning souls of the dead. On the other hand, if a dragonfly lands on you, it is a sign for good news from someone far away.