and find homework help for other The Great Gatsby questions at eNotes 5 points jodonw5254 Asked 05.05.2018. Log in. English. This essay seeks to address the motif of driving in The Great Gatsby.Driving is a recurrent image in the book and seems integrally connected with one of the book?s more important themes. Ask your question. 1. Wiki User September 28, 2013 3:28PM . A Discussion of Driving as Symbolism in The Great Gatsby. High School. Join now. Log in. What is the purpose of the drunk driving scene in the great gatsby? The Motif of Driving in The Great Gatsby. Join now. 1. Get an answer for 'In Chapter 3 of The Great Gatsby, what is the meaning of the final scene of the party?' Find an answer to your question What is the purpose of the drunk driving scene in the great gatsby? What does the author do to convey the idea that the gentlemen driving is drunk in The Great Gatsby?