Siamese Algae Eater vs Flying Fox. The easiest way to work out which species you are looking at is to check for flaps in the corner of the mouth. In the past 2 weeks I did have otocinclas and about 4 guppies. They both have a bold, black stripe running down their body. Being a community-tank fish, flying foxes are compatible with acaras, angelfish, barbs, danios, eartheaters, gouramis, knifefish, loaches, tetras and rasboras. The Siamese flying fox (Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus) often gets mistaken for the algae eater because they look so similar. I think as the little guy grows I will eventually be able to get a good idea of where the fin are, and the shape and final coloring of the tail. I am mssing all the smaller fish in this tropical tanks. I have 2 dojo's, one or 2 clown loaches, a lot of corys and one flying fox. Is fox the cuplrit? However, the Emperor tetra is a good guess, so is the flying fox, those are currently my top top contenders. The dojos and the clowns in my other tanks have not eaten the guppies. They all seem to be missing. Aquarium fishkeepers may also keep flying fox fish as a lone tank fish or in schools. Flying Fox Tropical Fish Learn all about the Flying Fox's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Flying foxes have them but algae eaters don’t.