Skeletal System PPT - authorSTREAM Presentation. Strands and Standards - Use this to make a study guide (Will be turned in for points). A skeletal system is necessary to support the body, protect internal organs, and allow for the movement of an organism. THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM 2. Osteoporosis 3.Osteomalacia or Rickets 4.Bursitis 5.Dislocation 6.Sprain and Strain 7.Paget’s Disease 8.Muscular Dystrophy 9.Myasthenia Gravis 10.Tetany. Skeletal system 1. • It lets you move your body parts and go from one place to another. The skeleton functions in: Support Protection Movement Storage Organization The skeleton is comprised of 206 bones divided into sections: Axial: head, neck, and trunk TOTAL: approx. How does it work? 3. Form. Tendons - Tissue that connects bone to muscle Cartilage - Firm, flexible tissues that are not as hard as bone. The following points highlight the ten important disorders of muscular and skeletal system. Skeletal system 6 1. Birds lack teeth and have a beak which is more lightweight. Muscular System. Ligaments - Tissue that connects bone to bone. Ligaments - Tissue that connects bone to bone. Alimentary Canal: The alimentary canal of rabbit is a long coiled tube of variable diameter starting from mouth and terminatings at anus. Tendons - Tissue that connects bone to muscle. 2. Bones. The Skeletal System of birds includes various hollow bones with crisscrossing reinforcements for structural strength. THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM • It is composed of many muscles and bones. Functions of the Skeletal System. The While fowls […] Bone- Hard tissue that supports and protects other organs. The Skeletal System The skeletal system of the rabbit is comprised of both cartilage and bone. It also provides protection for a soft tissues and internal organs and serves as an attachment for the body's muscles that push against it … Chapter 5 Skeletal System Organization Bones is composed of osseous tissue. It is made of 206 different bones. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Joints - Where bones meet and allows for movement. This is an interactive powerpoint about the Skeletal System. Bone- Hard tissue that supports and protects other organs. The skeletal system provides the strong framework for the support and protection of the remainder of the systems, organs and tissues that make up the body of the fowl. The disorders are: 1. How does it work? Human Skeletal System (Anatomy & Physiology) Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. BONES MUSCLES 4. 1. • Bones are rigid and hard. Cartilage - Firm, flexible tissues that are not as hard as bone. State Test Review Quiz must be completed at least once by next Thursday, this is found on Canvas. Muscles move the bones of the skeleton, allowing us to be mobile (example- biceps/triceps pulls on forearm bones) . The system serves to support the body mass and to protect internal organs. DEFINITION- The skeletal system is the structural framework that supports a body. Bones comprise the skeleton. Bird bones that are homologous to bones found in other animals have evolved over time to enhance the ability of the bird to fly. Start studying Rabbit Skeletal System. F. ills . Birds have a fused collarbone, attached to the site of the muscles used for flight. The skeletal system consists of two main parts, the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The digestive system of the rabbit consists of the alimentary canal and the digestive glands associated with the alimentary canal. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. THE HUMAN SKELETON • Humans have got an internal skeleton. Strength. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Submitted by- Ambika bagora (RN) 2. Spongy bone. Support. Protection. Avian Anatomy Arthritis 2. Joints: Joints Point at which bones meet Some joints produce movement and some limited (vertebrae) to not at all (bones of the skull) Ball and Socket – rounded head into rounded cavity. There are about 600 muscles in your body; Muscles make up about 40% of your body weight; WHAT ARE SOME FUNCTIONS OF MUSCLES? The axial skeleton is the skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum.