Frogs may live in the pond over winter as they can breathe through their skin. Burning or burying the dead frogs/toads is the best method - avoid compost heaps/waste vegetation piles, as bodies can be carried off by scavengers, and your green waste bin as this would involve the bodies being transported elsewhere. Personally I try not to encourage frogs into my pond as you never know what they are bringing into your pond bacteria wise . ... this doesn’t apply as much with young frogs that may not have the level of agility or strength as older frogs. Too Many Frogs In My Pond. The largest kind of frog could be a problem if you want your koi to reproduce in the pond some day. 800 gallon pond). Have used salt and cyan pepper to try and rid them since I do not want to poison my Koi. Frogs that live in your koi pond go into hibernation over the winter months. I have a small pond in my garden which looks dirty and has a lot of leaves from the tree above and is quite shallow (however room to add more water) - tonight I have noticed a frog and frog … Never know where they have been crawling around or what other nearby water courses they might have been in . If you listen to the recordings below you will likely be able to identify the species of frog you have. FROG KILLS KOI IN UK POND: Ian Taylor: 3/7/98 12:00 AM: My friend has a largish (approx. I have a Koi pond inside a pool cage that a squirrel ate a hole in the screen and the frogs moved in. He netted it (a koi about 8 inches … Despite their benefits, frogs can quickly become an annoyance, croaking throughout the night and preying on the fish in your pond. If you do, however, need to move spawn, tadpoles or young frogs, always be wary about drastic temperature changes. Therefore it is important to offer a dead branch or pile of pebbles as a bridge between the land and water. In it there are goldfish and koi. That's the bull frog. The very first paragraph asks how many FRONTS do I have in my yard rather than FROGS. I started with 4 frogs in the summer in my small fishless koi pond. Frogs hibernate on the bottom of the koi pond and breathe through their skin, surviving on … A frog affected by Chytrids. I have repaired the hole but now the frogs are traped in. Frogspawn in my pond – What Do I Do? Your fish will eat the majority, (v good for them) frog spawn is a sign of having a good, well balanced pond. Amphibians and pond life will gradually colonise a pond or environment providing that it is adequate, there is no need to get spawn from elsewhere. Sometimes more than fifty frogs can return to one pond, leading to the popular concern that it’s ‘overcrowded’. Provide areas with slow water flow, frogs like quiet water. In garden ponds, Common Frogs can be particularly numerous during the Spring/Summer months. Today he was in the garden when he saw a fish rolling around in the pond. Had egg spawn by the 5th day Had I not removed the egg spawn masses I would have had thousands of frogs in my tiny koi pond. Then in a short time had hundreds of frogs that all mated at the same time over 3 days. Large frogs will eat small koi and large koi will eat small frogs. However, as with most things in life, some issues can arise after installing and during the process of upkeeping a pond; especially with wild plants and animals. Provide some shelter within the pond like a simple clay pot. During spring amphibians return to ponds to breed. Create wild areas in your garden with log piles In spite of that most kinds of frogs will be OK. Most will leave the water and spend Winter under logs or sheds, in compost heaps or any other damp hiding place they can find. To keep your pond frog friendly be sure to add plants in the pond and around the pond, especially grasses.