Or would it be a bad idea to get the rats in the first place? we're babysitting my family dog this week & our rats are already scared every time they hear his loud barking (he always barks when he's playing). There are also certain types of lights that they may make additional effort to avoid, such as flashing lights.. That is why so many companies sell light machines designed to deter rats; they have their basis in … Chicago has won the rat race, named by Orkin (the pest control folks) as the rattiest city in America. Symptoms may vary depending on the level of fear the phobic person has. The normal mice cowered in the corner, as if a predator were present. However, according to various experts – what I’ve been saying for years – dog feces is… Is there a way to scare away rats? The most characteristic set of symptoms of rat phobia is as follows: - Strong fear or anxiety about the actual or imagined appearance of the rat. While the scent of a dog or cat could indicate to a rat that a predator is nearby, most rats are savvy enough to evade pets, especially since many of our pets remain inside most of the day. I would love to get two female rats from a breeder that I know. Like a pet dog, a pet rat can learn many tricks and can even respond to its own name. 0 0 0. Lv 7. Relevance. Answer Save. Domesticated rats are very gentle and playful creatures. 1 decade ago. Rats live in inaccessible places, come out at night and are stealthy, so the dog could do a lot of damage and make a lot of noise trying to get at a rat without succeeding, she said. 10 Answers. Favorite Answer. Additionally, rats can be taught to solve puzzles, run through mazes, and perform tricks. any tips to help the rats out? Pet rats can learn to sit up, fetch, jump through a hoop, come when called, and even walk on a tightrope. 1 decade ago. Anonymous. Why aren't Rats scared of the Dogs but only cats? I'm wondering if the barking would upset the rats. The rats have been socialized since a young age. I closed the door to the room they're in but I can tell our more skittish rat is really shaken up still (she hates any loud noises). I also have a mini poodle who barks pretty often.. Fear is accompanied by a sense of disgust or repugnance, although fear seems to predominate. And if so, is there a way to help the rats get used to loud noises? Symptoms of phobia in rats . While rats are comfortable in the light, they will typically avoid it simply due to their nature.. It’s important, this is a public health issue. And to Mayor Emanuel’s credit, he wants to do something about it. Meanwhile, the mutants weren’t afraid at all, even when an anesthetized rat was placed in their cage. from experience I know that rats are not afraid of cats more than they are of all the other big creatures. Some homeowners claim that their pets are effective rodent hunters. Login to reply the answers Post; Jumping Sun.