And then … This. FOR A long time people have suspected Ted Cruz has a double life as a cold-blooded murderer and a … (Sample tweet: “Why does everyone keep joking about Ted Cruz being the Zodiac Killer? All proceeds to a reproductive rights group! Did Ted Cruz admit he is the Zodiac Killer on Twitter? I mean, he definitely is, but like, people died”). Ted Cruz Is The Zodiac Killer. you gotta fix that. Sen. Ted Cruz winked back on Wednesday, which made a bunch of people on Twitter unhappy. During one of the Republican debates in February 2015, a Twitter user named Nate the Great got enough followers to google the phrase, “Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer” to get it to appear on Google Trends. Tana proudly shows off her @tedcruz was the Zodiac Killer t-shirt. The real Zodiac Killer wrote a series of anonymous letters to Bay Area press in the late 1960s and 1970s claiming that he or she had killed 37 people. ... don’t let the cipher tweet distract you from the fact that he cranked off on twitter and accidentally liked the tweet that he was crankin’ to. While savvy Internet users understood it was just a big ironic joke, a poll in Florida later revealed 38% of voters apparently believed Cruz might indeed have been the Zodiac Killer. texas: ted cruz is the literal zodiac killer, and also your senator. Self-quarantined Sen. Ted Cruz doesn’t dispute this Zodiac Killer fact Posted at 6:30 pm on March 9, 2020 by Brett T.