Atomic Clock Input 1 x 10M Input @ 75 Ohms Vpp on BNC. A color-coded software routing matrix with four separate mixers, effects chaining, and zero latency monitoring capabilities. Antelope Orion 32 + Gen 3 is a multi-channel audio interface. Word Clock Input 1 x Input @ 75 Ohms 3Vpp on BNC 32 – 192kHz. The Tech Specs. Word Clock Outputs 2 x Outputs @ 75 Ohms 3Vpp on BNC 32 – 192kHz. The unbeatable clocking accuracy of Orion 32 HD | Gen 3 is provided by Antelope’s renowned 64-bit Acoustically Focused Clocking (AFC) jitter management technology. It enables you not only to stream an astounding 64 channels of audio when tracking, but also allows for multiple monitor mixes. Orion 32+ | Gen 3 offers powerful flexibility for easy workflow integration. Clock Aging < 1 ppm per year It offers a multitude of channels both analogue and digital in various formats. I use this product mainly live, dealing with classical music recordings, which involve the simultaneous use of many microphones. Antelope bietet mit der dritten Generation des Orion32 HD einen 32 Kanal AD/DA Wandler mit phänomenalem Dynamikumfang von 136 dB, aktualisierter Konvertierung, neuem Design, Streamingmöglichkeiten von 64 Audiokanälen via HDX und USB 3, einwandfreier Taktung und mehr Antelope Audio Orion 32 HD Gen 3 The same great look, feel, and flexible I/O of the original Orion 32 HD with a completely revamped converter topology offering mastering-grade conversion A/D-D/A With its more than respectable, quoted 136dB of dynamic range, which has been measured at the mastering grade Monitor Outputs, the Orion 32HD Gen 3 offers some of what antelope claim to be “the industry's finest AD/DA conversion and with its HD, HDX & HD Native connectivity, the Orion 32HD | Gen 3 achieves super low latency”. Clocking System 4th Generation Acoustically Focused Clocking 64-bit DDS Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator. Antelope Audio clocking has decades-long reputation for excellence in both stability and sonic improvement. Like its predecessors, Orion 32 HD | Gen 3 is a versatile audio interface, which works like a charm with any DAW on the market. Wir sind selbst Musiker und teilen die Leidenschaft für's Musizieren mit Ihnen. That is, it covers most of the needs for both live and studio use. Thomann ist weltgrößter Versender für Musikinstrumente, Licht- und Ton-Equipment mit knapp 10 Millionen Kunden in 120 Ländern und 80.000 Produkten im Sortiment. Clock Stability <+/-0.02 ppm, oven controlled at 64.5ºC/ 148.1ºF. Antelope Orion 32 HD | Gen 3 .