Additionally, draw a long, curved triangle pointing to the right on the left-hand side of the eye to make the eyebrow. My name is Darlene and in this tutorial I’m going to teach you how to draw a realistic eye using easy step by step instructions. I have quite a few lessons on eyes, but none of them are really geared towards the novice or beginning artist. Sketching an Eye is an art in itself. If you would like to learn more about drawing then this is the course for you. Description: Eyes are one of the most popular and fun things to draw, so even though there are already some tutorials posted about drawing eyes, I thought I might make a pretty complex one and show some cool techniques that I use to draw eyes. I like to find the keystone shape of the glabella, which is the space between the eyes, also known as the third eye. Speaking of eyes; how about a neat lesson for all you folks out there that want to learn the ins and outs to making eyes, but not in an anime style. This is a tutorial on how to draw the eye below. UPDATE: For a while now, you guys have requested a tutorial on drawing a pair of eyes. A blending stump, or a tissue. The brow ridge is represented by the top of the middle third. For this drawing I’ll be using a graphite pencil. How to Draw an Eye (updated): I love to draw, and one of the hardest things for me to draw is facial features, like an eye. Drawing eyes is one of the most crucial tasks that you must practice before going for drawing a face. In this course "How to draw a realistic eye" you will learn the skills and techniques needed to draw and eye using pencil. Fear not! How to Draw an Eye. RapidFireArt Recommended for you. There's not much to it, but you do want to spend some time just to make sure this part is exactly how you want it, or the completed drawing will not look good. Today I’ll be taking you through the steps involved in drawing a semi-realistic eye. Step up with the Other Basic details within the Eye – The next turn is of other details like the basic shapes of iris and pupil. How to draw a realistic eye (with pencils) By: Lacey Goodrich (This took me two hours btw) First off, you will need to know the materials I used to complete this drawing: 1. Learn how to draw eyes in this easy to follow step by step art tutorial that’s perfect for beginners. Draw the Basic Shape of the Eye – Single line structure called the outlining is where your drawing should begin. This is my first tutorial, so I hope you enjoy it! When drawing the eyes, I start by finding their placement on the face. Chris Samba 3,130,488 views. This little tutorial will teach you how to draw an eye with these easy step by step instructions. Eyes are the most complicated facial features, but it does not necessarily mean it is hard to draw them. When you are drawing, painting or sketching eye becomes an important part of it too. CorelDraw X7- How to design an Amazing Round Logo - Duration: 26:32. How to Draw Hyper Realistic Eyes | Step by Step - Duration: 51:01. The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to draw the basic structure of a human eye. Drawing an Eye with only one Pencil - Duration: 10:01. It is fairly simple but may take a few tries to get right, so keep trying! They are very important since we are able to judge a person's emotions by only looking at their eyes only. Then you can go for drawing a face which requires lot of skills to do with ease. Draw the eye from multiple angles and post your work for feedback in the facebook group. A… Description: OK, so in this step, basically all you need to do is lightly sketch the shape of the eye.