I do NOT use any coat spray on his face, as I don't want to get it in his nose, eyes or mouth. Nov 9, 2016 - Grooming Havanese dogs is very important to keep their wavy, flowing coat as it is. Getting a Havanese puppy used to grooming can be challenging, but with a puppy that will grow into a long coated dog, it is a necessary evil! The Havanese is Cuba's national dog and they make great companions. Constantly clipping or shaving a Havanese can alter the texture of the coat and change the natural balance of oils in the skin. How do you keep the EZ-Groom from burning your dogs eyes? Keeping your Havanese dogs well groomed helps them look nice and supports their overall health and wellness. How To Groom Your Dog At Home Wonder Forest is part of Dog grooming tips - When Bear was a puppy, I used to take him to get groomed every month How To Groom Your Dog At Home - Wonder Forest-- I decided then to try it myself and after doing some research and getting the right tools, I definitely saw that it was something I could manage. cutting head and face hair - Havanese Forum : Havanese Forums Havanese dogs - How to Groom Havanese Jodi Murphy Instructional Series DVD – Havanese dogs This is "How to Groom Havanese Jodi Murphy Instructional Series DVD" by Jodi Murphy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love… Everything About The Smart Havanese Pup Grooming By practicing the following bath training techniques, he will gradually learn to trust you and accept bathing as … This intelligent, mischievous little dog has an abundant, double coat which needs to be bathed as frequently as every week up to no longer than every 3 weeks. Whether you are entering your dog in competitions or just want to keep your Havanese in tip top shape, here are a few tips for grooming your dog. Tips for Grooming Your Havanese Tips for Grooming Your Havanese. There are some tricks of the trade that you should know before you attempt grooming your dog's face with clippers, though. Since he is a regular client with minimal mats, I send him straight to the tub for a deep-cleansing shampoo and conditioning. It will make the havanese grooming experience less of a chore for the both you – Just as you may not be overjoyed about having to groom your pooch, you can rest assure that he isn’t wild about the process either. I haven't had any issues with this shampoo in particular burning the eyes. Bath Training Your Havanese. Combing is much quicker and easier on the shorter coat and so is blow dry time. May 16, 2016 - Explore sassyjassy77738's board "Havanese grooming" on Pinterest. The faster it’s accomplished the better. If you have a sink with a sprayer, don't spray his face. You will be snipping his bangs in no time! Louis never had his face scissored or clipped before he came to me. Baths will be easier – less hair, less hassle. See more ideas about Havanese grooming, Havanese and Dog grooming. Kodi doesn't tear much at all, so I can just flick the tiny amount of matter in the corners of his eyes out with a face comb. afterward. Keep in mind that the more coat you cut off, the less your dog will look like a Havanese. You have to give them a reason to trust you. The Havanese coat provides similar protection as wearing long loose clothing protects you. This long-haired, small dog is smart, playful, and cute. Havanese have a dry coat. Before you bring home a Havanese dog, keep in mind that this dog requires a lot of dog grooming care. If you decide to groom your Havanese in the comfort of your home, your breeder, or a blog, or a book can provide you with helpful instructions. Before you actually bathe your Havanese puppy, it is helpful to acclimate him to bathing by making it as stress-free and enjoyable as possible.