And the data tell us that the Pit Bull is by far, the most dangerous dog breed in the world. The least aggressive breeds included Basset Hounds, Golden Retrievers, Labradors, Siberian Huskies, and Greyhounds. This study also provides statistical facts as to which breeds really are aggressive. A recent study “Breed Differences in Canine Aggression” took data from the C-Barq. General Dog Bite Statistics. The present study surveyed the owners of more ... while other breeds scored high only for specific targets (e.g., dog … 1C and 3C). Over the past 13 years, one dog breed in particular in the U.S. has been responsible for the most fatal attacks on humans. Researchers from University of Pennsylvania, along with 6,000 dog owners were studied and surveyed. For certain households, finding the perfect pooch can be determined by his level – or lack of – aggression. There are many different breeds of dogs, but the most dangerous dog breeds are quite well known, however looking at the top 10 most dangerous dogs by bite fatalities came up with some interesting results. Greyhounds rated the most sedate. Great Dane Approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur every year – the vast majority of them are minor and require no medical attention. I am a firm believer that any dog can make a wonderful companion regardless of its breed if it is raised by the right owner. Note: This dangerous dog breed list does not include breeds that aren’t officially recognized by the AKC. In other words, these are the “honorable mentions” for the most dangerous dog breeds in the world. The most common victims are children, most of whom are bitten by family pets. ... America's Most Dangerous Dog Breeds [Infographic] Read on to discover the top three most aggressive dog breeds. If you're looking for a new puppy for your family or children, you will want to avoid the 10 dogs that are known to be aggressive, mean, and potentially dangerous. The Boston Terrier is a little dog breed with a huge personality, and they're definitely one of the most friendly dog breeds to adopt. Then the feisty Jack Russell. Although aggressive traits are in the nature of these dog breeds and type of dogs, proper nurture can play a huge role in turning them into loving and loyal companions! Breeds scoring low for aggression included Basset hounds, golden retrievers, Labradors, Siberian huskies. Even the most aggressive dog breeds can make loyal, loving pets if they get what they need and are properly trained. 1C and 3C). Nearly five million people in the US are bitten by dogs each year. Again, this is purely statistical and should not discourage you from purchasing any of these breeds. There are more than 90 million dogs living in over 50 million households in the United States. In almost every measure, out of the 35 most common breeds, Chihuahuas were reported as the most aggressive, especially toward bigger dogs they have not seen before. Following closely on the heels of the Dachshund is the Chihuahua, a dog noted as the smallest breed of dog. It identified the most aggressive dog breeds based on the information. The study separated the breeds by stranger directed and dog directed aggression. Other Aggressive Dogs. One of the most common reasons dogs wind up being relinquished to shelters, abandoned, or euthanized is aggressive behavior. A study released in 2008 in the journal of Applied Animal Behavior Science provides scientific data on what breeds are statistically more aggressive – and the results go some way to readdressing the balance of these long held dog breed stereotypes..