In the dense, ‘techno-rock’ soundscapes of Pere Ubu’s new album, Sean Kitching finds the long-running cult band have found yet another angle from which to depict their ever evolving, yet always eternal ‘avant-garage’ ethos. • Pere Ubu unveil their new album, THE LONG GOODBYE, nearly two years after their previous record for Cherry Red, 20 Years In A Montana Missile Silo. Thomas reformed the group in 1987, continuing to record and tour. Featured peformers: David Thomas (vocals, producer, aka_text mixing role_id 1327.aka_text, recording engineer), Keith Moliné (electric guitar), Gagarin (synthesizer, drum programming), Nick Watson (aka_text {mastering engineer} role_id … Pere Ubu unveil their new album, THE LONG GOODBYE, nearly two years after their previous record for Cherry Red, 20 Years In A Montana Missile Silo. Deux CDs de quarante minutes chacun : plutôt pas mal, en tout cas en termes de longueur. Des rumeurs ont circulé indiquant que The Long Goodbye serait le dernier disque de Pere Ubu. Reviews of The Long Goodbye by Pere Ubu, Latest release from the Cleveland, Ohio experimental rock band formed in 1975 and fronted by founding member David Thomas is inspired by Raymond Chandler's 1953 novel Pere Ubu is an American rock group formed in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1975.Despite a variety of long-term band members, singer David Thomas is the only constant. If Pere Ubu’s goal was to become even harder to classify, they categorically succeeded.The Long Goodbye – a title borrowed from a Raymond Chandler novel – goes beyond what any fusion of electronica and rock music could suggest. CDBRED747; CD). Il en avait profité pour composer cet album, pensant que ce serait le dernier. Even by their standards, this is a wild and challenging album -- coming full circle rarely sounds this exhilarating. Check out The Long Goodbye by Pere Ubu on Amazon Music. Pere Ubu – “The Long Goodbye” By Hugo August 21, 2019 No Comments You can take the boys out of the punk scene, but you can’t take punk out of the boys. Pere Ubu What I Heard on the Pop Radio ℗ 2019 Ubu Projex Released on: 2019-06-14 Auto-generated by YouTube. The title was another of Dave Thomas’ repurposing of classic media titles for his own ends. Released 12 July 2019 on Cherry Red (catalog no. David Thomas est sans contredit l’un … Named after the Raymond Chandler novel, everything about The Long Goodbye says this is “it” for the band. The last few months have foretold of the coming of the latest Pere Ubu album, “The Long Goodbye.” Well, the release date came last Friday. On July 10, 2019. Reviews Pere Ubu The Long Goodbye Sean Kitching , July 12th, 2019 09:50. Pere Ubu's The Long Goodbye is an amazing achievement that accomplishes its mission of encapsulating a 45-year career with wit and aplomb.