Stations of the Cross for Healing from Clergy Sexual Abuse. Holy God, be with us now as we meditate on your Son’s journey to Calvary. We are incredibly grateful to the refugees who created these pieces of art, which inspired this Way of the Cross. Stations of the Cross reflections from Bishop Barron for Lent 2019! This beautiful Stations of the Cross video is brought to you by the Word on Fire Institute. 17 21 2. … Stations of the Cross during Pandemic of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) (PDF) Stations of the Cross for the Suffering, Ill and Disabled 2020 (PDF) Stations of the Cross may be prayed at any time by reflecting on the images on the walls of our Church. 88 72 11. All Grades 19 Stations of the Cross . Stations of the Cross Online We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you. He had been scourged and had a crown of thorns on His head, and the soldiers hit Him. Golgotha Jesus Christ. 48 28 1. 19 24 2. Stations of the Cross. Christ Jesus Cross. Stations of the Cross We follow Jesus along the way of the Cross, learning from Him who is meek and humble of heart. Because by your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world. Way Of The Cross Passion. Meditation: Jesus fell for the first time under His Cross. 19 28 3. Stations of the Cross, which follow the path of Christ from Pontius Pilate's prætorium to Christ's tomb, have been a popular devotion in parishes. After three years of teaching, His final hours were one incarnate lesson – a demonstration, rather than a lecture. This beautiful Stations of the Cross video is brought to you by the Word on Fire Institute. Wood Outdoors Nature. Remind us that still, in this present day, many of your children continue that walk to Calvary, carrying heavy, difficult crosses. Consider that among the many ways in which to be sentenced to death, the cross was a most painful and torturous instrument. Download mp3 audio version. The Stations of the Cross can be meditated on as a family or can be used as an act of solitary prayer. Bishop … The Stations of the Cross, are a series of meditations on scenes from the Passion of Jesus, from his sentencing at the hands of Pilate to the laying of his body in the tomb. Now He makes His way among us every day (cf. Way Of The Cross Passion. You never deny yourself, yet humbly accept the punishment given to you by those who had witnessed your miracles. Jesus Christ And The C... 28 25 4. Stations of the Cross prayed by Bishop of Saginaw Robert Gruss at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption in Saginaw, MI. 2 THE SECOND STATION JESUS TAKES UP HIS CROSS P. We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you. There are fourteen standard stations, which can be found on the walls of just about any Catholic church in the world. ... Download PDF text version. But now I love You with all my heart and, because I love You, I am sincerely sorry for Download mp3 audio version. May we be Simon to those whose burdens are too heavy to be borne alone. Stations of the Cross; BLESSING FOR THE WEEK; Morning Offering; Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the month of January 2019. Download PDF text version. 14 12 0. Meditations by Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, Archbishop of Perugia – Città della Pieve 25 19 4. Meditations by Anne-Marie Pelletier [Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish] Booklet for the Celebration [pdf] Way of the Cross 2016 . Your family may choose to meditate on the Stations of the Cross together; praying, reflecting and discussing all the stations in one sitting. It’s easy to look at this Watch with Spanish subtitles. THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS The devotion arose first in Jerusalem among the Christians who dwelt there out of veneration for those sacred spots which were sanctified by … Stations of the Cross Preparatory Prayer (to be said kneeling before the altar) My Lord, Jesus Christ, You have made this journey to die for me with unspeakable love and I have so many times ungratefully abandoned You. Stations 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9 are not specifically attested to in the gospels (in particular, no evidence exists of station 6 ever being known before medieval times) and Station 13 (representing Jesus’s body being taken down off the cross and laid in the arms of his mother Mary) seems to embellish the gospels’ record, which states that Joseph of Arimathea took Jesus down from the cross and buried him. Recorded so the faithful also could pray the stations with hopes of receiving help and inspiration during the COVID-19 Pandemic. He was in so much pain He could barely walk, but He had to carry the heavy Cross. Stations of the Cross Preparatory Prayer (to be said kneeling before the altar) My Lord, Jesus Christ, You have made this journey to die for me with unspeakable love and I have so many times ungratefully abandoned You. We have developed these Stations of the Cross meditations to aid your prayer during Lent and Holy Week. Download PDF text version. 19 26 3. Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the month of December 2018; FAMILY PRAYER OF BLESSING FOR THE WEEK 04/19/2019. Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world. Stations are banana leaf artwork made in Kenya by refugees, for the Mikono shop, supported by JRS Eastern Africa. Way Of The Cross Passion. But now I love You with all my heart and, because I love You, I am sincerely sorry for ever having offended You.