Crows, as with many bird species, have a myriad of terms to describe a group. They refer to a group of birds, any birds, as a flock. In fact, ornithologists don't use terms of venery. One could think of a murder of Crows to be the "poe… Or heard anyone else use them. With some crow species, the yearlings and non-mating adults live in a group called a roosting community. Other Information : The average life period of Owl is about 4 years to 15 years. parcel. A group of wading birds, however, is just a flock if there are herons, godwits, egrets, flamingos, storks, and plovers all mixed in the crowd, as all these birds have different collective nouns for … Many of these terms for groups date back to the Late Middle Ages, a time when handbooks were published for nobility and saying the wrong thing could be social suicide ( 1 ). So, our answer is that a group of crows is called a murder because some doublet-clad Englishman wanted to show off his poetical talents by cementing the species' bum rap. If the verdict goes against the defendant, that bird is killed (murdered) by the flock. Partners hunt together, sharing useful experiences. A murder of crows is the collective noun for a group of crows. In popular culture, it may refer to The group of owls called Parliament. They create a couple for a lifetime. Crows also establish groups called winter roosts in the autumn that build in numbers until mid-winter and often have tens of thousands of birds. Owls has about more than 200 species. A group of ravens is called a congress or unkindness. A group of crows is called a “murder.” There are several different explanations for the origin of this term, mostly based on old folk tales and superstitions. read more Corvus capensis – Cape crow or Cape rook (Eastern and southern Africa) Corvus caurinus – northwestern crow (Olympic peninsula to southwest Alaska) Corvus cornix – hooded crow (Northern and Eastern Europe and Northern Africa) Corvus corone – carrion crow (Europe and eastern Asia) Corvus edithae – Somali crow or dwarf raven (eastern Africa) The collective noun for crows is the word you would use to describe a group of crows. Basically Owls are divided into 2 family's, Those are True owl family and barn owl family. A group of crows can also be called a flock, muster or storytelling of crows. Annoyed because, as a lifelong birder, I’ve never once used “parliament” for owls or “murder” for crows or anything of the sort. Sitting on the lamp post was a parliament of crows looking on. Owl doesn't have any teeth in there mouth. They can be referred to as a constable, an unkindness, or a conspiracy. It is called a murder for two reasons. Annoyed because, as a lifelong birder, I’ve never once used “parliament” for owls or “murder” for crows or anything of the sort.