Common names can be confusing, which is why scientific names are so helpful! Sloth bears get preyed by tigers sometimes, but sun bears actually kill more tigers than sloth bears do. However, sloth bears sometimes congregate where food sources are abundant. These bears have long snouts, which are similar to … Sloths are medium-sized mammals that live in the Central and South American rainforests. Sloth Bear Behavior. A bear's habitat depends largely on the type of bear and its location in the world as bears are found in both wooded and open environments. Habitat destruction also plays a major role in the decline of sloth bears in Asia. However, most bears prefer densely sheltered areas for sleeping during the day. Brown bears are found all around the world. The sloth bear is a shaggy, untidy-looking member of the bear family. An Asiatic Black Bear has less fur than a sloth bear on its head and does not have any marks on its head. This is largely due to the fact that they live in an area where there are lots of people. Habitat of the Sloth Bear. Where Do Bears Live? Some people go out of their way to find and kill the innocent bears. Their long, curved claws are used for penetrating nest mounds, which can be rock-hard. Sloth bears live throughout regions of India, and some surrounding areas. How Long Do Sloth Bears Live? Sloths belong to the families ‘Megalonychidae’ and ‘Bradypodidae’, part of the … In some places the bears’ territories overlap, but Sloth Bears usually get along with their cousins. In Europe, they tend to live in wooded areas in the mountains and, in Siberia they prefer forests. Human expansion has reduced some of their former range in southwestern and northern India. How Long Do Sloth Bears Live? Male sloth bears have an average range of 13 square km. The Sloth bear is the only bear that regularly puts the youth on their back; On the back of the mother on the back of the fur (“saddle”), it grows the shag until it is 6 to 9 months old. Social Life. Habitat of the Sloth Bear. They are found in forests and grasslands throughout their range. In total, there are six species of sloth. Sloth bears kill or maim more people per year than any other type of bear. Brown and grey hairs found on the coat give the appearance of a cinnamon color on some bears. 4. Grooming : As a part of grooming, sloth bears lick themselves. The Sloth bear is the only bear that regularly puts the youth on their back; On the back of the mother on the back of the fur (“saddle”), it grows the shag until it is 6 to 9 months old. However, most bears prefer densely sheltered areas for sleeping during the day. Sloth bears feed predominantly on termites and ants and employ a well-evolved method to dig them out. Most bears live in areas with lower elevation, rather than mountainous regions. These males also help to care for the young – and that isn’t something you will find with any other species of bear. Given that sloth bears tend to sleep a lot during the day and can be found throughout India, most scholars agree that Baloo likely fits this label. Humans have driven them to extinction in Bangladesh, though these bears also reside in southern Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Sloth bears are true bears that live in India, Sri Lanka and Nepal. A very unique characteristic of this type of bear is that they live in small groups rather than alone. Credit: Gleb Tarro/Moment/Getty Images. Pygmy Three-Toed Sloth - The pygmy three-toed sloth (Bradypus pygmaeus) is the rarest species of three-toed sloth. The group is formed by a pair of adult Sloth Bears and their cubs and has a male that is dominant over the rest of them. ‘Mummy, we’re too tired… can you carry us?’ Baby sloth-bears live up to their name by making their poor mother give them a lift. This heavy coat may be an adaptation to deal with cold. You will find these bears nowhere else in the world, outside of zoos. The lifespan of a sloth bear in the wild is estimated to be 20 to 30 years, whereas those in the captivity can live from 30 to 40 years. Sloth bears are known to succumb to the survival hardships and conflicts with humans. They spend much of their lives in the canopy, snoozing and remaining hidden from predators. As it turns out, there is actually something called a “sloth bear” (Melursus ursinus) and it has absolutely nothing to do with sloths. Sloth bears generally live as solitary individuals, except for females with cubs. Sloths—the adorable and lethargic animals living in treetops—depend on the health and survival of Central and South American tropical forests.