They are usually distinguished from mice by their size, but are also known to have a pointed muzzle, long slender and hairless tail, and dexterous forepaws. Hamsters have shorter legs but wider feet than gerbils. Cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, snakes, stick insects - all make interesting pets. Pet rats can learn their names and will come when you call them. I have heard by my friend who is a Biologist, that hamsters lack the higher brain functions that are responsible for happiness, joy, sadness etc. However, I was very picky about choosing both of these hamsters. Chinchillas are able to learn and recognize commands unlike hamsters and are thought to be smarter. Login to reply the answers Post ♫Kristy♫ 1 decade ago. Chinese Dwarf Hamsters are 150% more smarter than rats. Dolphins, crows, apes -- you know the drill about smart animals. Male and Female Rats can both eat carrots in moderate amounts. You should treat carrots just like any other treat that you would feed your rat. A gerbil’s snout looks almost like that of a rat, while a hamster’s snout is flattened. 1 decade ago. Rats Aren’t Smarter Than Mice and That Actually Matters New research shows that when it comes to most psychology experiments, all rodents might be created equal. I would really like a hamster but am now considering rats because they seem to be less nocturnal, overall more friendly and you can keep more than one together:). According to researchers, rats are able to find a good pattern and stick to it, and they’re less likely to second-guess themselves than humans. Do hamsters have intelligence? A rat is a medium-sized to large rodents, generally described as pigeon-sized. rats are less expensive and smaller, but they are very looked down on in society. ive narrowed my choices down to rats or ferrets. Pet rats can learn their names and will come when you call them. Relevance. Rats are more intelligent then hamsters, mice, gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits and lots of others. Mice are about 3 1/2 inches long without their tails and weigh in at 1/2 to 1 ounce. Gerbils have longer hind legs than hamsters. It is really cute to watch hamsters fill their cheeks to move things around, and they are a warm, fuzzy handful, but they're not good for much more. Rats are playful. Hamsters care more for their wheel then any thing elese a rat loves to be with humans. What are both or their intelligence levels? I've never owned rats, only hamsters. for one rats are grate but not smarter than dogs although very smart they are very clean but then again i don't know how clean cats are, but hamsters are smaller cuter in my opinion run in a ball, meaning you don't have to hold them all the time like rats, oh by the way if you get A rat you need two because they cant be alone, id get a hamster but they aren't very smart. I had many hamsters as pets during my childhood, but only in college when my roommates and I decided to buy a rat did I realize I would never let my kids get a hamster. Rats are social animals. Scientists have used rats in psychology experiments for more than one hundred years, due in large part to the similar structure of their brains to the human brain and their decision-making abilities. Gerbils have longer snouts than hamsters. I took temperment into mind and waited a few weeks before bringing them home. A lot more smart than people give them credit for. The set-up a maze with a cheese piece in the middle, and the Chinese Dwarf Hamster reached the cheese at an average of 35 seconds faster than the rat. I am just wondering something which animal is smarter? Overall gerbils seem to offer rather more than hamsters, and so make for a rather more enjoyable pet. Another interesting thing about rat intelligence is that they give in to peer pressure, just like we do. Rats are social animals. You can call me a bit of a hamster fanatic, so buckle up for my lighthearted rant. Favorite Answer . Learn more about their brains here! The lifespan of hamsters and rats is roughly 2 to 3 years, though some rats have lived up to 5 years. What's smarter; Rats or Mice? Rats are way smarter than mice because you can train them to do tricks and to come to you when u call their name. They look almost like a shrunken rabbit with their big hind legs and feet. You are smarter than your sister, heh heh! They give in to peer pressure. Having worked at a petstore, 90% of the bites I've taken have been from hamsters, usually syrians or russians (after that is gerbils, then rats, then mice, then guinea pigs). Lastly, rats have a … If you have small children in the home, hamsters can be more difficult to handle. Rats are terrific pets. ive narrowed my choices down to rats or ferrets. Rats and hamsters belong the same superfamily and different between families and subfamilies. Hamsters are much smaller than rats. Of course, lifespans can vary depending on the level of care provided. They love to have their heads rubbed. Rats seem largely smarter and more interactive than hamsters.