We show you the sizes of the wood you need and how to put all of the pieces together to create a warm, comfortable nesting box for the birds of your garden to lay their eggs in and bring up their young. Sussex Wildlife Trust 7,856 views. by Bernd Heinrich. House sparrows and starlings will readily use nestboxes placed high up under the eaves. Great Tit. A perch also allows a bird to examine its surroundings before entering the birdhouse. Description. Many introduced birds will use nest boxes. Keep these away from areas where house martins normally nest. I have seen "open plan" boxes that resemble Alpine lodges but they offer no resistance to attacks. Wild bird nest box size guide . This nest box, made from wood with a green roof, would be ideal in any garden. Please note: designs may vary. Having a proper size birdhouse entrance hole is essential for a safe house that will protect nesting birds and their offspring, but holes often get damaged by wear and use. Hi, I have done bit of surfing on the net and what i can find is: Gold Finches: Don't nest in boxes prefer bushes and Trees. Cut into a circle 9 inches in diameter. Hre is a Bird House Specification Chart t help you with your birdhouse project. With its open front and larger size, this nest box has been specially designed for blackbirds, but you may find that robins and wrens are also attracted to this box. Tilt the box forward slightly so that any driving rain will hit the roof and bounce clear. The blackbird's nest is lined with grass and leaves, while the thrush's nest has a smooth lining of mud or mud mixed with rotten wood. Take a look at our other Wooden Nest Boxes. Starlings nest in holes in trees and building cavities, so will readily take a nest box. You can check this using our hole size guide. Building your own wooden bird box can be a very rewarding project especially if you have young children. For a bird to use a nesting box it needs to be able to get in it. Obviously, it is also good for the birds. This sounds obvious but bird box hole sizes are different and many people may not know this. Available with 25mm, 28mm, 32mm and 45mm holes. Mallard ducks have also been know to use a nest box and some acclimatization societies have built nest boxes in areas frequented by ducks. Hole Size. When building a birdhouse or nestbox, the hole size (entrance) is one of the most important decisions you will need to make.Do you know that the diameter of the hole determines which birds will fit into the house and which birds will leave it alone? Bluebird nest boxes Are there hooks at the back or do I nail it up in one of my trees? Fortunately, it is easy to increase or decrease the size of a birdhouse hole and still use the house design you are interested in. An inverted cone made from roofing felt could be used. If the entrance hole is too large you might find less desirable birds are using your birdhouse. Can anyone suggest a design for a nest box which would incorporate a panel at the front so that predators could not enter. I have just accidentally exposed a blackbirds nest by cutting off a tree branch in my garden, the nest is very low to the ground and can be reached by predators.