Figure 3. Fighting between Chukar Partridge | Male Chukar VS Female Chukar Partridge. Chukar Partridge Chicks. VOICE AND SOCIAL BEHAVIOR OF THE CHUKAR PARTRIDGE By ALLEN W. STOKES The Chukar Partridge (Ale&& grueca) is difficult to study in the rugged country in which it occurs in the United States. The chukar partridge is part of a confusing group of "red-legged partridges". In N.H.,Tony. Life history studies of the Chukar in Nevada (Christensen, 1954), Washington (Galbreath and Moreland, 1953), and Utah (Phelps, Chukar Partridge Fighting Chukar Partridge is an upland game bird found in the different parts of the world, due to… This species' common name was derived from its noisy song, which ends in chuKAR chuKAR.. Several plumage variations within the widespread distribution of the chukar partridge have been described and designated as subspecies. In the past the chukar group was included with the rock partridge (also known as the Greek partridge). The breeding season of chukar partridge start from November to April during this season the pair ready to start breeding during this season we need to keep their health as good as possible in such condition the diet could be the main factor to give to the partridges. Partridge Info & Species... Partridge Photo Gallery The Chukar Partridge (Alectoris chukar) - also known as Chukar (sometimes spelled: Chukker, Chuker or Chukor), Indian Chukar, Keklik, or Chakhoor in the national language of Pakistan "Urdu".. Normally chukar starts laying eggs at the age of 8 months they become adult in 6 months. is possible to distinguish adult males from female by body size, shape of the head (blocky appear- ance in males) (figure 1) and presence of the metatarsal spur (which can be present on some females). During the season they hatch eggs and produce new chicks. The males have a spur,hens do not.Give them a big pen with plenty of cover,shrubs, trees etc.Your grandpas friend should give you some tips on raising them.I found that raising them on washed sand worked better then just throwing them in a pen.Go to and click on partridge,you will find lots of good info there. Left: Male scapulars are finely vermiculated buff or grey-buff, with large chestnut dots on sides (absent in some) and long, distinct, off-white shaft streaks with no pale cross bars associated with them. Quote: In the hand, male and female grey partridges are most reliably sexed from the pattern of barring on the scapulars (shoulder coverts). A more reliable technique for determining sexes in partridges was developed by University of California workers who found that examin- Food for chukar partridges in the Breeding season. The breeding season of chukar Partridge starts from March to August, they Give at least 20 to 35 eggs.