Maintained by fans, for the fans, The Last … Welcome to the IGN Walkthrough of The Last of Us!Below, you will find all of the chapters in the game, how many collectibles are in each chapter, and what type of collectible it is. WELCOME TO THE LAST OF US WIKI Welcome to the The Last of Us Wiki — the most comprehensible, informational, online encyclopedia detailing Naughty Dog's critically-acclaimed The Last of Us series. A natureza invade a civilização, forçando os sobreviventes restantes a matarem por comida, armas e qualquer coisa que possam achar. The Last of Us é un videoxogo de acción e horror desenvolvido por Naughty Dog e distribuído por Sony Computer Entertainment exclusivamente para a PlayStation 3. Juni 2013 exklusiv für Sonys PlayStation 3 veröffentlicht wurde. The Last of Us is a third person survival horror action-adventure video game made by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment.It released for the PlayStation 3 on 14th June 2013 and a version of the game with updated graphics called The Last of Us:Remastered was released for the PlayStation 4 on 29th July 2014. Last Epoch is an upcoming ARPG being developed by Eleventh Hour Games.. The Last of Us is the latest project from developer Naughty Dog (Uncharted, Jak and Daxter, Crash Bandicoot). This version also has a downloadable content called Left Behind. Development of The Last of Us began in 2009, soon after the release of Naughty Dog's previous game, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves; The relationship between Joel and Ellie was the central focus of the game, with all other elements developed around it Na história, os jogadores controlam Joel, um homem encarregado de escoltar uma adolescente chamada Ellie através de um Estados Unidos pós-apocalíptico. Add your own subcategories to this area, and endeavour to categorise all content somewhere under here. Offiziell vorgestellt wurde das Spiel bei … Though the two series' are distinct in terms of tone and overall gameplay, The Last of Us features similar character movement through the environment and some weapons seem partially lifted from the Uncharted series. The Last of Us é um jogo eletrônico de ação-aventura e sobrevivência desenvolvido pela Naughty Dog e publicado pela Sony Computer Entertainment.Ele foi lançado exclusivamente para PlayStation 3 em 14 de junho de 2013. Foi estreado oficialmente o 10 de decembro de 2011, durante a Spike TV Video Game Awards e a … There have been as many as 47 recessions in the United States dating back to the Articles … The Last of Us is an action-adventure survival horror game developed by Naughty Dog, creators of the Uncharted series. The Cold War led to multiple developments in the United States' carrier fleet, starting with … The game was officially revealed at Spike TV's … This area of the site is for articles regarding the subject of the wiki. 『 The Last of Us 』(ザ・ラスト・オブ・アス)は、PlayStation 3専用タイトルとしてノーティードッグが開発した、サバイバルホラー アクションアドベンチャーゲーム。日本でのリリースは2013年6月20日。略称は『ラスアス』 と『TLoU』。 The area of the site for subcategories and other pages about the wiki's organization, administration, and maintenance. This wiki relies on the community to provide detailed and up to date information on the game. The following are chapters of the The Last of Us single-player campaign, as well as a video walkthrough of the entire campaign de:Komplettlösung The Last of Us ist ein Action-Adventure und Survival-Horror-Computerspiel entwickelt von Naughty Dog und publiziert von Sony Interactive Entertainment, das am 14. 『 The Last of Us 』(ザ・ラスト・オブ・アス)は、PlayStation 3専用タイトルとしてノーティードッグが開発した、サバイバルホラー アクションアドベンチャーゲーム。日本でのリリースは2013年6月20日。略称は『ラスアス』 と『TLoU』。 The Last of Us é uma experiência de gênero definitiva que mistura elementos de sobrevivência e ação para contar uma história de personagens sobre uma praga moderna dizimando a humanidade. The Last of Us je videohra amerického studia Naughty Dog pro systém PlayStation 3.Celosvětově byla vydána 14. června 2013. Vedoucími projektu byli výtvarný ředitel a … To add an article, image, or category to this category, append [[Category:Content]] to the end of its page. Anyone is welcome to contribute, whether you're logged in or not.