texaspeafowl.com. Our first priority is conservation of genetics through a responsible breeding program. Vulturine Guinea Fowl Juvenile Pair … We sell Peafowl & Guinea Fowl Chicks at Stromberg's! in one convenient place. Vulturine Group (winter holding area). Assorted Guinea Keets 5 left for May 12. With four generations of experience selling poultry we have great Pea or Guinea Fowl for you! McMurray Hatchery hatches the highest quality day-old baby chicks, ducks, geese, turkeys and other fowl. Email or call for availability and prices. Guinea fowl Quality guinea fowl for sale by Cackle Hatchery®. Although guinea fowl are wild game birds in Africa, there are none available in this country, so we can only offer farmed guinea fowl. The American Guinea Hog Association. Guinea Farm is one of the largest suppliers of guinea keets in the United States, offering the largest variety of colors available anywhere. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Guinea hens can lay 60-100 eggs per year, but they do tend to hide their nests. Guineas have rich, dark, flavorful meat and are considered a delicacy in many areas. I have certificates to accompany all sales of keets. IMPORTANT ORDERING INFORMATION: Guineas are shipped on Tuesdays, USPS Priority Mail, and will typically arrive in 1-3 days at your local post office. Member Services. I am not responsible for third party sellers - please use due dilligence when buying poultry. Vulturine Guinea fowl for sale vary from $250.00 each to $600.00 each depending on the few breeders that have them. We are committed to providing each and every animal on this farm with the best life possible. This is where you find guinea fowl for sale. Fancy and Racing Pigeons, Bantam Chickens, Sebastopol Geese for sale in New Waverly, Texas Cell: Cash only at site, or PayPal via Internet!! adult guinea fowl in Dallas, Texas at AmericanListed.com – Classifieds across Texas. When we are lucky enough to find their nest I will incubate any eggs I find. Straight Run (Mix of males and females as hatched) only. Raising Guinea Hogs. A wide variety of classified ads Buy, rent, sell and find anything - adult guinea fowl listings. Guineas for Sale. 972-948-9802 *GFIA Member* *Blonde Guinea Hog Facts. Looking for Guinea Hogs? A wide variety of classified ads Buy, rent, sell and find anything - guineas listings. It is leaner but drier than chicken … For Sale. World's Largest Fancy Color Guinea Fowl Hatchery . French Guinea's grow faster than other guinea varieties are primarily used for meat production as there is a demand for its lean, tender, dark meat. Day Old guineas keet have a combined minimum of 15--you are able to mix and match the different varieties and colors that we offer to meet the minimum. Filter. Vultuine Guinea Fowl for sale and information is located down this page after the Java info. Once you get them started, they live and grow on bugs, insects and weed seeds. Winter . All guineas originally came from Africa and have always been prized for their all-dark, gamey tasting meat. In many of the world’s top restaurants guinea is still found on the menu and demands a very high price.