Eagle ! OP wants to know which would win in a death match. Eagle Owl -more power. Updated October 1, 2015 — 7.05pm first published at 5.07pm. Edit: It would depend on the individual eagles involved, what they were fighting over, etc. In English a “vulture” is different than an “eagle” — and we also have hawks, falcons, turkey vultures (“buzzards”), eagle owls, and more — but beyond the zoological differences, the two words also represent very different qualities: a vulture is usually bad, while an eagle is usually good. Wiki User December 11, 2012 5:29PM. Related Questions . Peregrine Falcon -speed and power advanatge. Dow dives more than 1,100 points amid U.S. virus fears . Turkey -much greater size and mass. Normal text size Larger text size Very large text size. Female wrestler makes history, beating boys for title What would win a vulture or a eagale? Bald Eagle - massive power advanatge huge talons. Yes more than even what we have on the speedometers of our cars. At this speed, we are sure no animal can get away no matter how fast it is. Vulture -bigger and has a larger bill. Asked in Birds of Prey, Vultures Can vulture fly? Vultures however are rather big, bigger than eagles are. Read this article to know Eagle vs Vulture comparison, difference, similarity and who will win the fight between them. The eagle, specifically the golden eagle can fly at a speed of a whopping speed of about 200- 300 km/hr.! In a fight between an eagle and a hawk, which would win? Birds & raptors do not need to fight to the death. Raven- powerful beak. Snowy Owl -more power and talons. Here we compare both Vulture vs Eagle size and other features. Influencer speaks out after he almost dies filming TikTok. By Sean Dooley. One eagle would be rather intimidated by a large gathering of vultures, it was looking for a safe opening for it to swoop in and get a bite to eat. Answer.