Types of Bad Breath Smells. Some days, the only smells you seem to remember are the bad ones. Surprising, certain scents can give your doctor or dentist a hint of what is happening. Okat, let's move on to "lung breath" that CAN be controlled. Bad breath smell can simply mean that there is problem somewhere in your body. It is also associated with depression and symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder. But what if passing on the onions or garlic doesn’t help? Here are five types of bad breath that may merit a … However, the mouth-body connection means that other bad breath smells can tell you about problems elsewhere in your body. Chances are you have a sinus infection, allergies, or post-nasal drip. Bad breath, also known as oral malodor or halitosis, is a very common problem. Types of Bad Breath When proteins break down inside the mouth, this is what causes the bad breath. Here are a half dozen more ways to banish bad breath - hopefully for good. Types of bad breath smells In fact, bad breath can be indicative of a serious medical condition, and not all breath smells the same. Here are 5 types of bad breath and what they say about your health: Mothball breath. French Bulldogs with really bad breath could have liver disease, kidney disease, or diabetes depending on the type of smell. Stinky breath and halitosis in a Frenchie can be due to dental disease, plaque build-up, or other more serious health problem. Here are 17 common causes of halitosis, and how to freshen up from each. Your body contains two types of … Oral cancer and stomatitis may also cause bad breath in cats. Typically most bad breath is caused by certain types of bacteria that collect on the back of the tongue. If you have bad breath, your first step is a dental exam and good oral hygiene. Diabetes can give your cat’s mouth a strange smell. Breath odor affects everyone at some point. Sometimes bad breath is a hint that something is wrong beyond the oral cavity. Bad breath is also known as halitosis or fetor oris. The concerns of bad breath … Odor can come from the mouth, teeth, or as a result of an underlying health problem. While it is unclear how many people actually experience regular bad breath, some research cites that approximately 50% of the adult population has had occasional or persistent bad breath. And that includes bad breath that comes from smoking, drinking, and eating certain foods. Keeping up on your oral health through brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist regularly can help prevent this type of bad breath. Immune system disorders can also cause problems. 1. Some people worry too much about their breath even though they have little or no mouth odor, while others have bad breath and don't know it. Bad breath, also known as oral malodor or halitosis, is a very common problem. The nature of mouth odor may indicate the possible underlying disease for example: It can result in anxiety among those affected. Bad breath odors vary, depending on the source or the underlying cause. Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a symptom in which a noticeably unpleasant breath odour is present. Ever wonder what type of bad breath you have? Spend a few minutes with any dog and you’ll likely catch a whiff of his breath because dogs aren’t shy. Here are 7 smells you should know and why it happens. For example, kidney disease, liver disease, and gastrointestinal problems can lead to bad breath. Continued Six More Ways to Fix Bad Breath. Here’s a quick list of the extra-oral sources of bad breath and what they smell like. Bad brushing habits may not be to blame. If you have bad breath, the first step you should take is to book in to see your dentist. It can smell like fecal matter or rotten eggs. ... 5 Types Of Bad Breath—And What They Say … Stay hydrated. By Elizabeth Xu . If you or your dentist can identify the type of smell in your bad breath, this can help to pinpoint its origin. It could be an indication of a health issue - find out here what causes bad breath. Eating garlic and a lax teeth-brushing routine aren't the only causes of bad breath. Other serious causes. In some cases, chronic bad breath can be an indication that something is amiss in your body. ... You scrape the back of the tongue gently with a disposable plastic spoon and the residue on the spoon smells the same as your breath. The smell can be as a result of health problems such as respiratory tract infections, chronic sinus infections, postnasal drip , diabetes, chronic acid reflux, liver or kidney problems. Fruity breath: People with diabetes mellitus can have breath that smells like acetone. If poor oral hygiene is the cause, bacteria in the oral cavity and throat will produce sulfur compounds that lead to a foul odor. Bad breath is embarrassing! Scientists have now determined all of these fleeting, amorphous aromas can actually be lumped into a clean group of 10 easily detectable categories. We use Organoleptic Testing to tell if you have bad breath in our office. Because it's difficult to assess how your own breath smells, ask a close friend or relative to confirm your bad-breath questions. 7 Reasons Your Dog Has Bad Breath. Other times, the light, airy scent of flowers or the crisp bite of fall keep wafting by you at just the right moment. By Barbara Brody. Bad breath symptoms depend on the underlying cause. The types of bad breath in dogs is based upon the cause of it.